Answered By: KRS Answers
Last Updated: Mar 24, 2021     Views: 28869

Q: What is Lippincott Advisor & Lippincott Procedures?

Lippincott Advisor & Lippincott Procedures are complementary modules that work together as a Point of Care (POC) reference resource that can quickly answer your clinical questions, wherever you are, whenever you need information. These two tools work hand in hand to ensure you have the evidence and skills needed to provide high-quality patient care.

They provide:

  • 24/7 access to 3,800 evidence-based entries on topics such as diseases, diagnostic tests, signs and symptoms, treatments, core measures, hospital-acquired conditions, and patient care plans.
  • 24/7 access to 1,600 evidence-based nursing procedures and skills online
  • Information that is bulleted and easy to read
  • Detailed full-colour visuals on pathophysiology and treatments, as well as full-colour art and video clips which let you see proper technique first hand
  • Integrated access to 33 nursing and medical books

Q: What is a Point of Care (POC) reference resource?

POC reference resources are a subset of all electronic clinical reference resources (electronic databases, books, journals, etc.). POCs are highly structured clinical decision tools that provide diagnostic and treatment recommendations for immediate action at the point of care. POCs synthesize and evaluate the most relevant evidence from the primary clinical literature, and include succinct actionable recommendations on a wide range of conditions and interventions, rationale for patient care decisions, and links to original studies.

Q: Who would find Lippincott Advisor & Lippincott Procedures useful?

Primarily nursing professionals, including RNs, RPNs, and LPNs, will find these tools valuable. Other staff such as allied health professionals will find useful information for reviewing diseases, diagnostic tests, signs and symptoms, and treatments.

Q: What is the difference between Advisor and Procedures?

Lippincott Advisor provides immediate, evidence-based, online nursing and allied health clinical-decision support that includes sections on disease overview, assessment, treatments and nursing considerations.
Lippincott Procedures provides evidence-based procedure guidance at the point of care with over 1,700 procedures and skills from a wide variety of nursing specialties including allied health.

Q: Now that Lippincott Advisor & Lippincott Procedure is available, what should I do with other clinical references?

Lippincott Advisor & Lippincott Procedures are sources for evidence-based practice information, along with other pre-existing clinical support documents at AHS (e.g. policies and procedures; Clinical Care Topics).
We recommend the use of Lippincott Advisor & Lippincott Procedures as two tools to support clinical care. That is, they should be used in combination with your clinical experience, context-specific information, and provincial policies, and other AHS references to support you in providing high-quality evidence-based care to your patients.

If you have further questions regarding best practice or recommended practice within AHS please review the Lippincott support page or contact: HPSP Professional Practice Consultation Service –

Q: Are the patient education materials and resources with Lippincott Advisor the endorsed patient education materials for AHS?

Please continue to use MyHealth Alberta materials and other resources recommended within your unit.   Consider using Lippincott Advisor to support your patient education needs where appropriate (e.g. the absence of existing patient education materials).

As part of the Connect Care Initiative, a review and decision on recommended patient education materials is underway; stay tuned for further updates.

If you have further questions regarding best practice or recommended materials for patient education within AHS please contact: HPSP Profession Practice Consultation Service –


Q: Are the drug references and resources listed within Lippincott Advisor the endorsed drug references for AHS?

Lippincott Advisor uses Lexicomp as the drug reference for their articles and summaries. Lexicomp is one of many drug resources provided by AHS to help you make safe and evidence-informed drug-related decisions, along with your clinical expertise and context-specific information and data.

If you have further questions regarding best practice or recommended materials related to drugs within AHS please contact: AHS Drug Information at or submit a request online.

Q: Are students able to access these point of care resources?

Yes, while on-site, students have access to any of our point of care resources, as well as all additional research databases provided by KRS.

Q: What other point of care tools are available to AHS physicians and staff?

KRS also provides enterprise-wide access to DynaMed Plus, Lexicomp, Micromedex, CPS, and Natural Medicines. A list of popular research databases is also found on our homepage.



Q: Do I need a login to use Lippincott Advisor & Lippincott Procedures?

No, do you do not need a login to use Lippincott Advisor & Lippincott Procedures while you’re on an AHS networked computer. You will be required to use your AHS/COV credentials to login to Lippincott Advisor & Lippincott Procedures remotely, such as when you are off-site or working from a non-AHS computer.


Q: Are Lippincott Advisor & Lippincott Procedures available as a mobile app?

Yes, Lippincott Advisor & Lippincott Procedures are available as standalone mobile applications, compatible with Apple and Android devices. Learn more


Q: There are skills checklists available in Lippincott Procedures. Do these replace the checklists on my unit?

Along with evidence-based information, Lippincott Procedures provides a collection of skills checklists.
These materials do NOT automatically replace any tests and checklists your unit currently uses. If you are unsure, please confirm with your Clinical Educator or Manager.

However, clinical educators/managers are free to explore whether this content is useful for them to support education on your unit.

As AHS educators and staff become familiar with Lippincott Advisor & Lippincott Procedures as clinical point-of-care references, HPSP will further explore how these tools can be used to support clinical education in the next phases for these tools.


Q: I cannot access some of the references cited within Lippincott Advisor & Lippincott Procedures. How can I view them?

As always, whenever you cannot access the article you need, KRS can usually obtain it for you. Visit our website and fill out the online Article Request form or contact your nearest KRS library site.


Q: How do I cite Lippincott Advisor & Lippincott Procedures?

To cite the entire Lippincott Advisor or Lippincott Procedures product, the format would be:

  • Lippincott procedures. (year). Retrieved from
  • Lippincott advisor. (year). Retrieved from

To cite a specific procedure in either resource (such as “Advanced directives” in the example below), the format would be:

Title of article/summary/resource. (year). In Lippincott procedures. Retrieved from
Advanced directives. (2018). In Lippincott procedures. Retrieved from


Q: Can I save Lippincott Advisor & Lippincott Procedures items in a personal folder?

There are no personal folders within Lippincott Advisor & Lippincott Procedures, however we recommend that you bookmark any items you want to save using your internet browser bookmarking options.


Q: Where can I go for help on how to use Lippincott Advisor & Lippincott Procedures?

Knowledge Resource Service (KRS) offers online courses on how to use Lippincott Advisor & Lippincott Procedures. Additionally, recordings of these sessions are also available whenever you need them (Advisor | Procedures).

Please visit KRS online to register and/or request an education session, or chat with library staff.  Alternatively, you can email us at

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