Answered By: KRS Archive
Last Updated: Feb 01, 2024     Views: 1473

Reference management tools allow you to gather, manage, store, and share research.  They also work with Microsoft Word to help you create in-text citations and easy bibliographies in a variety of different citation styles. 

AHS currently supports three citation management programs:

1) Mendeley Desktop is a free desktop-based tool, suitable for individual research or for teams.  Information is available at  Requests for Mendeley Desktop can be made through the Service Hub via a Standard Software request. KRS offers support and education.

2) Zotero is another free desktop-based tool, suitable for individual research or for teams. Information is available at  It is widely known for its exceptional ability to manage web citations and it is easier to source full-text documents from the KRS collection. Requests for Zotero can be made through the Service Hub via a Standard Software request.

3) EndNote

a) EndNote Basic is a web-based tool, that offers a paired down version of the full Endnote program for basic citation management needs. Requests for the Word plug-in for Endnote Basic can be made through the Service Hub via a Standard Software request. Please select Endnote Plug-in (Word). 

b) EndNote 20 [approval required] is a desktop-based licensed tool and is available to select groups/individuals in AHS with supporting business case, where Mendeley or Zotero does not meet the business needs. It is of particular value to those undertaking complex research projects with extensive literature requirements such as scoping reviews or systematic reviews. This can also be requested through the Service Hub with a valid business case. Please note that personal licenses of Endnote cannot be installed on AHS devices, nor licenses purchased outside of AHS.

If you would like to know more about citation management software, visit your KRS site, or email us at



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