Answered By: KRS Archive
Last Updated: Apr 05, 2024     Views: 1571

Knowledge Resource Service does not subscribe to UpToDate.   There may be some confusion as the Wolters Kluwer company has recently renamed Lexicomp as "UpToDate LexiDrug" to reflect how their products can work interactively but AHS' Lexicomp subscription does not provide UpToDate access.

AHS is committed to equitable enterprise-wide access to information resources; licensing costs for UpToDate cannot be supported with the available budget. The University of Calgary canceled its UpToDate subscription effective January 1, 2017, while the University of Alberta has never subscribed to UpToDate.

AHS recognizes that point of care tools are extremely valuable to clinicians. An AHS-wide advisory group initially recommended the licensing of DynaMed as a financially sustainable option for AHS and AHS’s Connect Care Initiative has endorsed it as the physician-focused POC reference resource integrated within the Clinical Information System (CIS).

DynaMed is a clinician-focused, online point of care clinical reference tool, available province-wide to all AHS physicians and staff via the KRS website. It is also available as a mobile application, compatible with Apple and Android devices. DynaMed is a high-quality evidence-based product well accepted by Canadian physicians and universities.

Learn more about DynaMed | Access DynaMed | Download the App | See it in Connect Care

If you would like to purchase an individual subscription to UpToDate for your personal use, you can do so via their website

If you have any questions or concerns regarding this item, please contact: Morgan Truax, Director, Knowledge Resource Service at


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