Answered By: KRS Answers
Last Updated: Aug 10, 2023     Views: 1424

LibKey Nomad is a browser extension that instantly connects you to the library's online collection wherever you find yourself on the web and makes requesting content seamless when full text is not available. Available by request for AHS devices, the one-click access to articles will speed up your research workflows and save you time! You'll also see in-page enhancements to sites like PubMed, Wikipedia, and more. 

Watch the clip below to see how easy LibKey is to use!

Visit the Service Hub and submit a Standard Software Request. In the software field, type LibKey Nomad (Edge Extension). For business case, state "Required to support researcher workflows" or similar.

To install on a personal computer for at home use, head to LibKey Nomad to download the browser extension (compatible with Chrome, Edge, Safari, Firefox), and choose Alberta Health Services as your institution. 


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