Answered By: KRS Archive
Last Updated: Nov 04, 2019     Views: 722

Our staff will find and provide AHS and Covenant Health staff with full text articles for any references needed to support practice.

When you are unable to access an article electronically, you may decide to place a request with Knowledge Resource Service. We will do our best to locate your requested item, either from within our own collection of journals or via a loan from an external library.

After you request an article:

  1. Within one business day, you will be contacted by a KRS team member for standard document delivery requests. As often as possible, the first contact will include the requested article(s) and/or article link(s). If there is no link or article available to send before the end of the next business day, you will receive a status update indicating that an order has been placed for the article(s). Urgent patient care requests will be filled the same business day. If this is not possible, you will be contacted by email or phone to explain the delay. Note: Article requests are processed each business day between 8:00 am and 4:00 pm. 
  2. Within four business days you will receive the requested article(s) and/or article link(s). If an article is not available within four business days, you will receive a status update regarding the request.
  3. You will be provided with your document and information about the document in a standard format:
    • If the document is available within our KRS e-collections, you will receive a link to an article as well as information about how to access our e-journals.
    • If the document you are requesting is not available within our KRS e-collections, you will receive a document in PDF format and information about the copyright restrictions related to the document.
  4. Whenever technically feasible, your request will be filled through our LibAnswers web-based system to ensure that you receive consistent service. Alternatively, you may receive a response from us via a personal e-mail.

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