Answered By: KRS Archive
Last Updated: Jan 23, 2019     Views: 397

What can I expect when I make an education or training request?

After you make an education request:

  1. Within two business day, you will be contacted by a KRS team member who will work with you on your education request.
  2. Every education request is unique. Your KRS educator will review the details of your request with you to determine if further information is needed, and/or to clarify your needs and expectations. The factors to be reviewed may include:
    • the level of detail provided in your request
    • the topic for the session
    • a specific instruction date
    • expected learning outcomes
    • the preferred delivery method
    • specific format or design of the session
  3. Your KRS educator will work with you to develop and deliver instruction on the topic(s) that address your education need, either in-person or in a virtual format. Alternatively, other education resources may be provided if they are preferred.
  4. Your KRS educator will follow up with you upon completion of the request to see if additional education is required, and/or to provide you with an opportunity to submit feedback on your experience.

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